
VISION "Every tunnel, every bridge, every road, every hospital and every wind farm should be conceived, designed, built and operated like a new aircraft type at Airbus." That is how, according to Neanex, the future of construction and infrastructure projects will look like. This means managing the complete life cycle - from design to construction to maintenance - in a central, digital data environment. This allows for ultimate collaboration between people and technology, so that ultimate efficiency is achieved with a margin of error approaching perfection. COMPANY HISTORY Neanex was founded in 2014 in Belgium by co-founders Johan Kuppens and Peter Imbrechts. Initially as a spin-off of iNFRANEA, consultants specialised in 3D Engineering, Systems Engineering and BIM for complex construction and infrastructure projects. COMPANY NAME The company name Neanex stands for New Connections. Nea is derived from neos in Ancient Greek, meaning “new”. Nex is derived from nexus in Latin, meaning “a series of connections linking things”.


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2600 Antwerpen

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